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Does CBD Oil Show Up on a Drug Test?


I was milling about the store a few days ago, checking stock and helping customers coming in and out. A customer who had decided to pop in for the first time out of sheer curiosity seemed really interested in some of our products and was giving each of them a good look. I spent some time explaining the various uses and benefits our products offered in order to help him pick the right one. 

He then asked an interesting question which I haven’t really been asked before, and I thought to myself, “what a great question!”. I am sure tons of people will actually want to know this. 

He told me that he works in a rather high-pressure environment, where regular drug tests are the norm due to the nature of his work. But because of the intensity he experiences every day, he is often incredibly stressed out, deals with a great amount of anxiety and also has several aches and pains in his back due to being hunched over for the majority of the day. 

As with most of our customers, he was looking for a natural alternative to lower those stress levels and manage the chronic pain that has started becoming a daily nuisance in his life. But he, like so many other people, was somewhat concerned about the stigma around products made from marijuana. 

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding about them, and that is mostly due to the lack of education around marijuana. 


For years, I have been wary of speaking about it in-depth, and for various legal reasons, I try to steer clear of topics around dosages and making “medical claims” about certain products. The government will simply shut us down and the post office will stop delivering our products completely. We will be out of business, and our loyal customers will stop getting their supply, which is no good for anyone, really. 

The Sisters, however, are incredibly passionate about sharing, because education is key when it comes to cannabis products. If used properly, they have incredible healing properties, helping you manage pain and aches, and improving your overall mood.


So the question is: does CBD oil show up on a drug test?

In short, the answer is – no. 

Our products are specifically designed to make sure that you will not only get high, but also won’t need to worry about anything showing up on breath, blood, or urine tests. 

The simple explanation is that the products we make our made from the flower and leaves of the hemp plant.  The base plant material is less than .3% THC and that trace amount of THC is important to making the CBD and the other compounds do their jobs.

THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the high sensation. But it is also the compound that they are looking for when conducting drug tests. 

The hemp plant that we use to make our products has actually been specifically chosen because it contains only trace amounts of THC. You actually do need a bit of THC along with CBD to promote proper healing.  
It is our job to make sure every batch is tested and tests below the international standard of .2% THC, before it goes on our shelves for shipment.  A person (or pet) needs at least ten times that much to register on a drug test.  We use science.  We might grow and make medicine like our ancestors, but we use SC Labs to ensure potency of our CBD and to ensure that all our products are below the threshold of THC to be considered hemp and thus, non-psychoactive.


Why does CBD oil not show up on a drug test?

The THC compound is the only one that drug tests measure and all our products contain trace amounts of it. But what does that mean?

Cannabis, apart from THC and CBD, is actually made up of over 400 chemical compounds, with about 80 of them being biologically active.

The most used compounds in cannabis are cannabinoids. They are specific to the cannabis plant and quite interestingly, don’t appear anywhere else in nature. Some of the more known and used compounds include THC, CBD, cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabichromene (CBC).

Out of them, as I have mentioned, THC is the one with the psychoactive properties. This happens because THC binds to various receptors in different parts of the brain. 

These receptors normally attach to endocannabinoids (the neurotransmitters that the human body produces). Some will bind to the Hippocampus, for example, and impair short-term memory, while others will bind to the Nucleus Accumbens and cause euphoria. But, one can also get sensations of feeling drunk, impaired judgment and altered reactions to time and movements. And it is this that one must avoid, especially when working, driving, or taking care of others. It is the concern of safety that has so many companies and law enforcement agencies do drug tests.. 

CBD does not seem to bind to the same receptors as THC.

Scientists are still unsure how CBD actually has an impact on the consumer, but it does seem to boost your endocannabinoid levels and also seems to bind to your serotonin receptors (in case you don’t know, serotonin is the hormone that regulates your mood, happiness, and anxiety).

It is also important to know how drug tests work

Out of all the tests, the one that’s most commonly conducted is the urine test. The urine drug screen is an “immunoassay test,” which uses antibodies designed to latch on to specific drugs or their metabolites (a substance made or used when the body breaks down food, drugs or chemicals). In this case, they will be testing for the presence of THC and its metabolites. So, if these antibodies identify a drug, they will produce a signal that shows the test as “positive.”

But these tests also look for the concentration of the substances. So, if there are only trace amounts, like in our case, 0.2 percent of THC, the test will show up negative. So, if a test does come up with a positive reading after using CBD oil, it would be worth your while to speak to the doctor, or request other types of tests to ascertain the actual levels of the THC in the product you were using. 

In some cases, I have seen some tests showing a false negative or a false positive. So, if it happens, demand a re-test or a more accurate test methodology.


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